How Avascular Necrosis Occurs and What Type of Ayurveda Treatment is Needed

Overview of Avascular Necrosis

Avascular Necrosis refers to bone tissue death because of the lack of enough blood supply. Doctors also call it osteonecrosis and it results in tiny breaks in the human bone and eventually collapse of the respective bone.

Common Causes of Avascular Necrosis

The condition of Avascular Necrosis takes place whenever the flow of blood to any bone reduces or interrupts, which causes due to-

  • Bone or Joint Trauma

Bone or joint trauma refers to a dislocated joint or any other similar type of injury, which causes damage to the surrounding blood vessels. Besides, the radiation therapy type of cancer treatment weakens the bone and harms blood vessels.

  • Deposition of Fats/Lipids

The deposition of fats or lipids may sometimes block a few of the small blood vessels, which reduces the flow of blood responsible for feeding the surrounding bones.

  • Medical Conditions

Sickle cell anemia and other similar types of medical conditions lead to the diminishing of blood flow to certain bones. 

Risk Factors of Avascular Necrosis

A few of the common risk factors to develop the condition of Avascular Necrosis include the following-


Hip fracture, hip dislocation, and other similar types of injuries may cause damage to the surrounding blood vessels and reduce the flow of blood to certain bones.

Steroid Usage

The application of steroids, like high-dose corticosteroids, like prednisone, is a major cause of the condition of Avascular Necrosis. This is because steroids increase the blood lipid levels to reduce the flow of blood.  

Use of Bisphosphonate Medications

Long-term use of bisphosphonate medications, which intend to enhance the bone density contributes to developing necrosis of the jaw. It is a rare complication that takes place in people who underwent treatment with bisphosphonate medicines of high doses to treat cancers.

Excessive Use of Alcohol

Consumption of various alcoholic drinks in a day for many years may lead to fatty deposits in the blood vessels.

Specific Medical Treatments

Radiation therapy to treat cancer causes weakening of bones. Moreover, kidney and other organ transplants have a close association with necrosis.

Worldwide Statistics on Avascular Necrosis

  • The condition of Avascular Necrosis is common among people from 30years to 50years of age.
  • The ratio of male to female in the case of Avascular Necrosis is 8:1 i.e. is highly prevalent in men. However, in some cases, the problem depends solely on an underlying cause but the problem.
  • Approximately 2500 cases to 3000 cases take place yearly, among which 35percent occur because of corticosteroid abuse, 22percent because of alcoholic abuse, and 37percent because of idiopathic mechanisms.
  • In about a 25percent of Avascular Necrosis patients, the main reason behind the problem of interrupted flow of blood is unknown.

How we @ pushplata ayurveda in Rewari does Ayurvedic Treatment

Now, let us have a look at various Ayurveda treatments available to cure Avascular Necrosis.

Common Types of Ayurvedic Karmas and/or Medicated Oils


Massage by using a warm herbal oil is recommendable for Avascular Necrosis, which refers to Abhyanga treatment. The experts apply this oil not only in affected areas but also in other body areas by starting from the scalp to the feet soles.


Basti comprises an enema of various herbal oils and it is mainly useful in Ayurveda to deal with Vata disorders related to Avascular Necrosis


Vaman treatment refers to the therapeutic emesis to induce vomiting medically. It helps in Avascular Necrosis by dislodging Kapha Dosha aggravated in the patient’s body.