Cervical Spondylosis and How it is Cured with Ayurvedic Karmas

Introduction to Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a common term to describe the spinal disc’s wear and tear issues present in our neck. The problem is common among aged people. The reason for this is that with consistent shrink and dehydration of the disks, osteoarthritis signs develop to cause bony projects across the bones’ edges i.e. bone spurs.

Bone Spurs or Bone Overgrowth

Bone spurs or bone overgrowth takes place when the human body tries to grow extra bone to enhance the spinal strength. However, the extra bone may press the spine’s delicate areas, like the nerves, and spinal cord, which results in mild to severe pain.

Herniated Discs

Spinal discs usually develop cracks, which leads to the leak of the disc’s internal cushion material. The material presses on the nerves and spinal cord to cause pain across the arm, arm numbness, and other similar types of symptoms

Dehydrated Spinal Discs

Your spinal bones have spinal discs, which are pad-like and thick cushions, which absorb the shock of twisting, lifting, and other activities. These gel-type materials present in discs may dry out with time, which force rubbing together of your bones or spinal vertebrae to make your spine and neck pain.

Ligament Stiffness

Ligaments refer to the tough cords, which connect the spinal bones. These cords become stiff with time, which forces your neck to feel tight and affects the neck movement.

Heavy Lifting or Repetitive Movements

A few of the hobbies or occupations involve heavy lifting or repetitive movements, which apply extra pressure on your spinal area leading to wear and tear issues..

Worldwide Statistics of Cervical Spondylosis

The worldwide statistics on cervical spondylosis reveal that approximately 85percent of people exceeding 60 years of age affectedby cervical spondylosis. Moreover, the problem becomes worse with further age

How we @ pushplata ayurveda in Rewari does Ayurvedic Treatment Treats Cervical Spondylosis

Ayurvedic treatment aims to rectify the imbalance of various Vatadoshas, which are responsible to cause pain and discomfort in the body of a person because of cervical spondylosis.

Common Types of Ayurvedic Karmas and/or Medicated Oils


In the case of Abhyanga, a gentle massage is applied without pressure to relieve the problem of stiffness and in turn to relieve cervical spondylosis.

Greeva Basti

Treatment with Greeva Basti consists of a 30minute procedure, where experts create a compartment across the back area of a patient’s neck and use the dough of black gram. Later, they heat medicated oil on a water bath to pour it gently within the well.


Nasya type of karma involves the nasal instillation of various medicated oils in the nostrils of a cervical spondylosis patient.


The main role of Lepa i.e. medicinal pastes is to reduce the problem of inflammation and in turn, to overcome cervical spondylosis.


Ayurveda experts administer Basti karma by following the anal route to deal with the cervical spondylosis VataDosha and to achieve a faster recovery.

Patra Pinda Sweda

Patra Pinda is dipped in hot medicated oil and ayurvedic experts test the bundle temperature while using it for hot fomentation i.e. Swedana before rubbing it on the affected area of a cervical spondylosis patient.
The treatment thus lasts for 45minutes, where Ayurvedic massage therapists apply circular motions with proper pressure on the joints and rub in the vertical direction by providing fomentation on the muscles and the hand, shoulder, and back areas.