Various Facts of GI Digestive Disorder and Ayurveda Role to Treat It

What is Digestive Disorder

The digestive tract of a person consists of a series of coiled and joined hollow tubes, which stretch between the mouth and the anus. Accordingly, digestive disorders may include everything whether it is occasional stomach upset or a life-threatening condition of colon cancer. It encompasses diseases or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the gallbladder, the liver, and the pancreas. Among these, gastrointestinal tract digestive disorder is common among many people across the world while the disease may be mild or severe.

Common Symptoms of Digestive Disorder

At the initial stage, you will experience different symptoms associated with your digestive disorder. These are bloating, bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, incontinence, heartburn, vomiting, and nausea, swallowing issues, abdominal or belly pain, and excessive weight loss or weight gain.

Causes of Digestive Disorder

Digestive disorder or gastrointestinal tract digestive disorder takes place in the form of irritable bowel syndrome and constipation. Common factors, which may upset your GI tract and/or its ability to move are-

  • Having a low fiber diet
  • Fail to do enough exercise
  • Changes in your daily routine or traveling for a long time
  • Consumption of dairy products in large amounts
  • Huge level of stress
  • Resisting your urge towards bowel movement because of hemorrhoids and pain
  • Overuse of stool softeners or laxatives, which with time, weaken the bowel muscles
  • Intake of antacid medicines, which contain aluminum or calcium
  • Intake of iron pills, antidepressants, and narcotics, or any other strong pain medicine

Statistics on Digestive Disorder

According to the research studies and estimates obtained for digestive disorders-

  • Approximately 11percent of people in the United States suffer from a chronic type of digestive disease.
  • Patients suffered from GI tract disorder have a prevalence rate of approximately 35percent for all exceeding or equal to 65years of age.
  • According to the data revealed in the year 2010, about 60million to 70million people located in different regions of the United States suffered from a digestive disorder.

Ayurvedic Treatment we do in Pushplata Ayurveda hospital to Deal with Digestive Disorder

Ayurveda is a holistic system related to human health. It understands and rectifies the root causes related to your digestive disorder problems. Common Ayurvedic treatment includes-

  • Vamana

Vamana therapy induces a controlled type of vomiting in patients suffering from digestive disorders. This means, you will have vomiting, nausea, and bloating issues for a specific period and later, the problems stop automatically.

  • Virechana

Virechana therapy is useful for flushing out various toxins present in the human body. It especially conducts colon detoxification and liver detoxification, both of which help manage various symptoms related to gastrointestinal tract digestive disorders.

  • Basti

Basti or enema Ayurvedic treatment is recommendable to deal with Vata dosha, where Vata refers to the force to retain or eliminate human wastes, like urine, feces, and bile. As Basti treatment leads to proper movement of bowels, it avoids constipation and IBS i.e. common problems of GI digestive disorders. Besides, you feel lightness in your belly and overcome by abdominal pain. Therefore, with the application of Ayurvedic herbs, you not only overcome digestive diseases but also improve your tissue metabolism, digestion, food absorption, and smooth elimination.