Osteoporosis-A Prime Cause of Bone Fracture and Ayurveda’s Role to Treat It/

Overview of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis refers to a health condition, which affects the human bones. The name has come from a Latin word that means porous bones. We all know that healthy bones have small spaces in them similar to honeycombs. Osteoporosis condition thus increases the size of respective spaces, because of which bones lose their density and strength.
Besides, the condition makes the outer part of the bone thin and weak. Osteoporosis patients remain at a high risk of bone breaks or fractures while performing daily activities, like walking or standing. Hips, ribs, spine, and wrists’ bones are a few of the commonly affected bones associated with the condition of osteoporosis.

Symptoms of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis in its early stage does not cause any warning signs or symptoms. Even a few of the patients cannot know about it until and unless they have fractures. However, in some cases, osteoporosis has a few of the early symptoms

  • Weakness in gripping strength
  • Receding gums
  • Brittle and weak nails

Causes of Osteoporosis

Human bones remain in a constant renewal state i.e. new bones are formed and old bones break down. When a person is young, his/her body makes new bones at a faster rate than it breaks the old one, which increases the bone mass/density.
However, as you enter the early 20s, the process becomes slow and many people obtain their peak bone mass when they reach their 30s. Hence, with an increase in age, bone mass loses at a fast rate than it creates. Reduction in bone mass sometimes causes the condition of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis Risk Factors Uncontrollable Risks

A few of the osteoporosis risks remain out of your control, which are-

  • Women are prone to develop osteoporosis as compared to men.
  • Risk related to osteoporosis increases with age.
  • Individuals with a family history of osteoporosis (any parent or sibling) remain at high risk to develop osteoporosis.
  • Women and men with small body frames have a high risk, as they have less bone mass because of their age.

Low Hormone Levels

Low levels of sex hormones i.e. estrogen levels in women during menopause are a major risk factor to develop osteoporosis. In contrast, men develop osteoporosis because of a gradual reduction in their testosterone levels with the increase in their age.

Excessive Thyroid Hormones

Bone loss may take place because of excessive thyroid hormones. This condition takes place if you have an overactive thyroid or take too many medications for treating your underactive thyroid. Besides, osteoporosis has relations with adrenal glands and parathyroid.

Low Intake of Calcium

Low intake of calcium contributes to a reduction in bone density, and early bone loss followed by osteoporosis and an increase in risk related to fractures.

Statistics on Osteoporosis

  • Approximately 53millions of people belonging to different areas of the United States have osteoporosis or remain at high risk to develop it.
  • Many women and men suffer a fracture because of weak bones/osteoporosis after they cross 50years of age.
  • 33percent of old adults, who had a hip fracture in the past fail to live independently after bone fracture due to osteoporosis.

How we @ pushplata ayurveda in Rewari Cure Osteoporosis Allergy

Until now, Ayurveda experts have adopted the following treatments to cure osteoporosis.

Common Types of Ayurvedic Karmas and/or Medicated Oils


In Abhyanga, Ayurveda experts apply herbal oil to massage the affected area of your body, like shoulders, neck, legs, and others.


If MSD affects your multiple body parts and limits your activities, you must undergo Swedana treatment. This is a herbal steam bath, where Ayurveda experts generate steam by boiling a few of the fresh leaves/herbs in water.

Kati Basti

We know that musculoskeletal disorders adversely affect the bones and ligaments, shoulders, knees, back, neck, and many more. Positively, Ayurveda has Kati Basti’s musculoskeletal treatment to treat the problem effectively by applying massage across the affected areas.

Churna Pinda Sweda

In the case of Churna Pinda Sweda, Ayurveda experts use herbal powders fried or heated in herbal oils by placing them in bolus for rubbing the painful areas of the human body. Musculoskeletal disorders may affect almost every bone or joint of the human body and if left untreated, may lead to disability. Hence, one should essentially undergo proper Ayurvedic treatment timely.