Introduction to Lumbar Spondylosis

Lumbar spondylosis a type of age-related degenerative disorder, which affects the lower spine or lumbar vertebrae of an individual. The problem often starts from the intervertebral disc that leads to progressive structural and biochemical changes followed by the shrinking of spinal discs, weak bones, and similar others. These changes even lead to a modification in the mechanical resistance, elasticity, and other physical properties.

Common Causes of Lumbar Spondylosis

We know that the lumbar spine of a human body gives support to his/her body weight. However, with time, L1-S1 vertebrae wear out and compress because of repetitive motion, weight gain, and lifting heavyweight. Vertebrae wear out cause’s lumbar spondylosis. Other causes of lumbar spondylosis are-

  • Bulging discs or herniated spinal discs
  • Shrinking of spinal discs
  • Bone spurs
  • Abnormalities in the spine region
  • Spine arthritis
  • Excessive bending in the forward direction
  • Over exercise
  • Driving a two-wheeler too much in a day
  • Prolonged sitting in front of a laptop or computer
  • Inappropriate use of bed while sleeping and
  • Abnormal sleeping posture

    Lumbar spondylosis highlights noticeable symptoms only when the nerves and spinal cord across the spine suffer compression or irritation.

Worldwide Statistics on Lumbar Spondylosis

  • Lumbar spondylosis condition usually occurs after an individual crosses 40years of age.
  • Approximately 74percent of men and 84percent of women suffer from vertebral osteophytes followed by spondylosis, especially at L3 and T9-10 Levels.
  • Approximately 28percent of women and 30percent of men aged from 55years to 65years suffer from lumbar spondylosis.
  • A few of the international studies revealed that there is no relation of lumbar spondylosis with height, lifestyle, body mass, weight, and physical activities

How we @ pushplata ayurveda in Rewari does Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic treatment aims to rectify the imbalance of various Doshas, which are responsible to cause pain and discomfort in the body of a person because of cervical spondylosis.

Common Types of Ayurvedic Karmas and/or Medicated Oils


In Abhyanga, Ayurveda experts apply herbal oil to massage the affected area of your body, like shoulders, neck, legs, and others.


If MSD affects your multiple body parts and limits your activities, you must undergo Swedana treatment. This is a herbal steam bath, where Ayurveda experts generate steam by boiling a few of the fresh leaves/herbs in water.

Kati Basti

We know that musculoskeletal disorders adversely affect the bones and ligaments, shoulders, knees, back, neck, and many more. Positively, Ayurveda has Kati Basti’s musculoskeletal treatment to treat the problem effectively by applying massage across the affected areas.

Churna Pinda Sweda

In the case of Churna Pinda Sweda, Ayurveda experts use herbal powders fried or heated in herbal oils by placing them in bolus for rubbing the painful areas of the human body. Musculoskeletal disorders may affect almost every bone or joint of the human body and if left untreated, may lead to disability. Hence, one should essentially undergo proper Ayurvedic treatment timely.