Various Causes of Liver Function Disorder to Treat via Ayurvedic Treatments/

Overview of Liver Function Disorder

Liver function disorder may be genetic or inherited and liver problems take place because of various factors, which may cause damage to the liver, like alcohol usage, obesity, and viruses. With time, various conditions responsible for damaging the liver may result in liver scarring i.e. cirrhosis. This further results in a life-threatening condition of liver failure.

Symptoms of Liver Function Disorder

Liver disease in most cases does not have any noticeable symptoms. However, if signs and symptoms take place, they are-

  • Jaundice i.e. yellowish appearance of eyes and skin
  • Swelling and pain in the abdomen
  • Swelling in the ankles and legs
  • Pale stool and dark urine with itchy skin
  • Appetite loss
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • A tendency to suffer bruise easily

Causes of Liver Function Disorder

Liver function disorder takes place because of many reasons-

Liver Infection

Viruses and parasites may cause liver infection followed by inflammation, which reduces the regular liver function. Here, viruses responsible for causing liver damage spread from semen or blood, close contact with an infected person, and contaminated water or food. Common types are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

Abnormal Immune System

Diseases attacking specific body areas, which affect one’s immune system may affect the liver. Common examples of liver disorders are primary biliary cholangitis, autoimmune hepatitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis.


Abnormal genes inherit from one or both parents may result in the build-up of various substances in the liver, which leads to liver damage. Genetic types ofliver disease are Wilson’s disease, Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, and hemochromatosis.

Other Causes

A few of the individuals experience liver function disorder because of chronic alcohol abuse, specific over-the-counter or prescription medicines, non-alcoholic fatty liver problems i.e. fat accumulation in the liver.

Statistics on Liver Function Disorder

  • Approximately 88,000 people have died because of alcohol-related liver disorders. This makes alcohol a prime cause of death in different areas of the United States.
  • Fatty liver problem is in 90percent of heavy drinkers.
  • About 10percent to 15percent of alcoholic hepatitis patients have experienced fulminant disease with a relatively high mortality rate. On the other side, 5percent to 10percent of individuals develop prolonged liver problems, which lead to death.
  • Alcohol is one of the major causes of liver cirrhosis after hepatitis and it contributes to about 20percent or 25percent of liver cirrhosis cases.

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Until now, Ayurveda experts have adopted the following treatments to cure osteoporosis.

Common Types of Ayurvedic Karmas and/or Medicated Oils

According to Ayurveda experts, liver function disorders take place because of Pitta Dosha. Hence, they recommend the following treatments-


Ayurveda experts recommend for Vaman treatment to deal with KaphaDosha in its aggravated form. Thus, expelling of the excessive pitta and Kapha Dosha activates metabolism and thereby, helps in managing liver disease symptoms.


Virechana in the case of liver function disorder is recommendable if a patient’s body has a severe imbalance in the Doshas. The treatment intends to eliminate Pitta Dosha if it is present in an excessive amount.

Churna Pinda Sweda

In the case of Churna Pinda Sweda, Ayurveda experts use herbal powders fried or heated in herbal oils by placing them in bolus for rubbing the painful areas of the human body. Musculoskeletal disorders may affect almost every bone or joint of the human body and if left untreated, may lead to disability. Hence, one should essentially undergo proper Ayurvedic treatment timely.