Hemiplegia Symptoms, Causes, and Its Ayurveda Treatment

Overview of Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia refers to a condition caused by spinal cord injury or brain damage. It results in paralysis on a particular side of the human body. The condition causes problems in controlling body muscles, weakness, and muscle stiffness. If a person develops hemiplegia within only 2years of birth or before birth, he/she suffers from congenital hemiplegia. However, if an individual has the problem in a later phase of life, it refers to acquired hemiplegia

Symptoms of Hemiplegia

Hemiplegia affects either the right or left side of a patient’s body but symptoms occur on the opposite side. Moreover, the symptoms depend on the severity of the condition, which includes the following-

  • Muscle stiffness or weakness on a particular side
  • Permanently contracted muscles or muscle spasms
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Poor balance
  • Poor motor skills
  • Difficulty in grabbing objects


When hemiplegia causes because of brain injury, brain damage may cause a few of the additional symptoms. These include difficulty in concentration, memory problems, speech-related problems, seizures, behavioral changes, and many more.

Causes of Hemiplegia

The condition of Hemiplegia takes place because of the following major causes-

  • Stroke

Stroke is a common cause of hemiplegia or hemiparesis. However, the severity of muscular weakness experienced by a patient depends on the location and size of a stroke. Children experience hemiplegia because of stroke in their womb.

  • Brain Trauma

Sudden injury or impact to the head may cause brain trauma or severe form of brain damage. If the trauma causes only one side of the brain, it leads to hemiplegia. Common causes of brain trauma are sports injury, car collisions, and assaults.

  • Brain Infections

Brain infections result in permanent damage to the brain cortex. Many infections take place because of bacteria but a few of them are fungal or viral ones.

  • Brain Tumors

Brain tumors result in many physical problems, including the brain damage of hemiplegia. Here, the symptoms become worse with the growth of the tumor.

  • Genetics

ATP1A3 genetic mutation even though it is a rare condition may cause an alternating type of hemiplegia in kids. The problem causes temporary symptoms of hemiplegia, which often go and come.

Worldwide Key Statistics on Hemiplegia

  • Hemiplegia is one of the rare brain injury-related conditions. It affects one child in 1000.
  • Approximately, 80percent of the total cases are congenital, while the remaining 20percent is of an acquired type.
  • The problem affects each kid or adult uniquely.
  • Hemiplegia due to genetic mutation takes place in only 1 person in total 1million people.

How we @ pushplata ayurveda in Rewari does Ayurvedic Treatment

Other than regular medications, many patients opt to undergo Ayurvedic treatment to handle the problem of Hemiplegia.

Common Types of Ayurvedic Karmas and/or Medicated Oils


Abhyanga involves the application of massage to the entire body of a patient in a uniform way from his/her scalp to the feet.


Basti intends to cleanse various disturbances present in Dosha levels of a patient.


In the case of Nasya, Ayurveda experts administer medicated oils from the nose or nostrils.


In Shirodhara, Ayurvedic experts pour a warm herbal oil steadily and gently on the forehead by following a rhythmic or continuous swaying movement.

Shiro Abhyanga

Shiro Abhyanga involves the massage of the upper body area, which consists of the head, shoulder, and neck regions.